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If you have an unknown grandparent

Learn how to set up your tree if you want to use WATO plus to help identify an unknown grandparent

Let's take the example of David, whose adopted mother Kathy was born in 1944. Kathy is not able to take a DNA test herself.

  • David has taken a DNA test and has used information and matches from various testing companies, including shared matches at AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, Living DNA, and MyHeritage, and the SideView feature at AncestryDNA
  • He also has a paternal uncle who has tested, which has helped him to sort his own matches into maternal and paternal sides.
  • This has allowed him to connect some of his top matches into family trees
  • He knows that these family trees must connect to his mother Kathy's biological family tree

David starts by identifying the tree that has the strongest matches in it, since this is likely to contain the genetic relatives who are most closely related to his unknown grandparents. He can create a new WATO plus tree and work through the steps to set it up.

When he generates hypotheses or hovers over a node and clicks use as hypothesis, WATO plus will automatically create a trail down to David

The trail that will be created for hypotheses in this tree Screenshot of the filled-in research question form

Screenshot of the filled-in research question form

In the initial form, David can enter his mother Kathy's name and birth year. Since he doesn't know who either of his mother's parents were, he can leave the parent dropdown in its default position of parent.

David will be using his own DNA matches so he can specify Kathy's child and enter his name.

David can then input a family tree as per the instructions on the if you have an unknown parent page.

Last updated: 2024-02-20