Third-party tools for DNA

DNA Painter hosts several tools at

Below is a list of other third-party tools related to DNA analysis for genealogy

You can filter this list by keyword and/or the category buttons below under 'Type', 'Platform' and 'Cost' If your tool is here and you don't want it to be, or if a tool isn't here and you think it should be, please let me know




Admixture Studio, DNA Kit Studio

Admixture Studio, DNA Kit Studio

Wilhelm HO

Windows graphical application to convert and analyze DNA RAW Data from several Direct-To-Consumer DNA companies. Plus other apps available.

Ancestry DNA Paths

Ancestry DNA Paths

Dan Medel

This Google Chrome extension for highlights any of the 3 non-autosomal DNA inheritance patterns: X-chromosome, Y-chromosome, and Mitochondrial.

Antley Method

The Antley Method DNA Connections Display Tool

Jim Antley

Generate a table of your AncestryDNA Matches that you've organized via the coloured dots system. You can then save this out to table or spreadsheet for further processing.



Jaren Campbell, Carson Wilde, Mike Charleston, Leah Larkin & Margaret Press

BanyanDNA is an web-based tool for building, visualizing, and analyzing complex genealogies. BanyanDNA can handle scenarios where there are mulitple relationships, as well as validating known trees based on the amounts of DNA that the people within them share with each other.

Borland Genetics  Kevin Borland

Borland Genetics

Kevin Borland

Tools for reconstructing DNA kits representing ancestors. Includes the Reverse Phasing tool (allows a user to phase their DNA using a child rather than a parent) and a database where users can submit their autosomal DNA for matching against crowd-sourced reconstructed ancestor kits.

Charting Companion

Charting Companion

Pierre Clouthier

This add-on for viewing, printing and publishing, customized family tree charts using any genealogy database program now features three DNA-related tools: DNA Matrix, DNA Simulation, and DNA Matches spreadsheet

Dave Pike's utilitiies

David Pike's utilitiies

David Pike

Tools for analysis of autosomal DNA files, including tools for phasing plus Search for Runs of Homozygosity (ROHs).

DNA Gedcom


Rob Warthen & John Collins

An application that gathers your DNA information from different testing companies. It allows you to visualize and interrogate your match information, and the data produced can also be used in other third-party tools.

DNA Match Analyzer

DNA Match Analyzer

Bret McKee

DNA Match Analyzer was created to assist in figuring out where a person who took a DNA test fits into a family tree. The test taker is generally an adoptee looking for birth parents.

Various Relationship Prediction and other Tools

DNA Science Tools

Brit Nicholson

Relationship predictions for AncestryDNA and 23andMe, including paternal/maternal and in-group differences, plus the ability to enter percentages from 23andMe that include X-DNA.

Double Match Triangulator

Double Match Triangulator

Louis Kessler

A Windows program that compares segment match files from FTDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage or GEDmatch and finds all double matches and triangulations between them.

Exploring Family Trees (Beta)

Exploring Family Trees (Beta)

B.F. Lyon

An online interface that displays a time-based view of a family tree along with visualizations and DNA-related statistics. Particularly useful for those with pedigree collapse.

Fixgedcom – Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) Family Tree Fixer Tool

Fixgedcom – FTDNA Family Tree Fixer Tool

Stefan Malmesjö & Johanna Lindh

Sometimes when you upload your Gedcom to Family Tree DNA, only the start person is included, and sometimes other information is missing or mixed up. This tool takes care of that.



Curtis Rogers & John Olson

A large online database featuring a varied collection of tools for comparing autosomal DNA matches.

Genealogy Assistant

Genealogy Assistant

Dan Maloney

An extension for the Chrome browser that adds some useful features and customization options to the Ancestry and MyHeritage websites.

Genetic Affairs

Genetic Affairs

Evert Jan Blom

A website featuring several tools that group your DNA matches into clusters of matches that most likely descend from common ancestors: AutoCluster, AutoFastCluster, AutoSegment, AutoTree, AutoKinship, AutoPedigree and hybrid AutoSegment

Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT) Becky Walker

Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT)

Becky Walker

A desktop app that utilizes autosomal DNA to aid in the research of family trees. The app houses a database of the autosomal data downloaded from various testing companies and provides analysis tools for family history research.



Tim Forsythe

A complete family tree website generator with additional support for DNA. Features include adding match data from testing companies and assigning common ancestors, with a variety of visualization and output tools.

Graphing and Mapping Tools

Graphing and Mapping Tools

Kitty Cooper

A varied set of tools for CSV manipulation (CSV slicer), chromosome mapping from a CSV file (Chromosome Mapper and One Chromosome Mapper), and Gedcom conversion (Ahnen2GED)

Graphs for Genealogists

Graphs for Genealogists

David Stumpf

Software that aims to help genetic genealogists leverage the power of a graph database and graph analytics with little prior knowledge or experience in graph theory or methods, leading to discovery of new ancestors.

Hapi DNA

Hapi DNA

Amy Williams

Features several tools including Paternal and maternal relative detector, HAPI: reconstruct raw data for one parent, DRUID: estimate parent’s shared cM, IBD sharing rates by cM length.

MapS Phasing

MapS Phasing

Hendrik Wendland

Desktop software for converting between builds and phasing DNA: MapS Converter and MapS Phasing



Kent Jaffa

An Excel macro that provides a method of sorting through your atDNA matches to find matches related to a specific branch of your family tree.



The MitoYDNA team

A free, crowdsourced Y and mitochondrial DNA Database. Includes additional matching and analysis tools. Y-SNP Subclade Predictor Y-SNP Subclade Predictor

Chris Morley

A neat online tool that allows you to upload a raw autosomal DNA result file from a male. It will then estimate a general high-level Y-DNA haplogroup classification.

mtDNA haplogroup analysis tool

mtDNA haplogroup analysis tool

James Lick

Upload your raw autosomal DNA file for mitochondrial DNA haplogroup analysis. Particularly useful for those with tests that used older 23andMe chip versions.



Jonatan Nordebo

A web browser extension that lets you extract family trees into an interactive ahnentafel list and pedigree chart. It works on Ancestry, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA.

Overlapping segments viewer

Overlapping segments viewer

Staffan Betner

A tool provided for comparing all matching segments for all matches based on Family Tree DNA Family Finder data.

A Pedigree Collapse analyzer from GEDCOM files

Pedigree Collapse Analysis from GEDCOM

Denis Lefreniere

A web-based tool that will parse a GEDCOM file and show pedigree collapse in both a list and a matrix.

Pedigree Thief

Pedigree Thief

Colin Thomson

A Chrome extension designed to gather DNA match data and Pedigree Trees in a suitable form for input to Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT). [Currently works only with MyHeritage]

Research like a Pro DNA log

Research like a Pro DNA log

Nicole Dyer

An Airtable template that you can use to track your DNA matches, research, segments and citations.



Dallan Quass

A family tree management site with additional DNA visualization tools, including importing your matches and linking them to the common ancestors in your tree.

Shared Clustering

Shared Clustering

Jonathan Brecher

An application to extract additional information from DNA testing shared match lists.

Tracking Back tools

Tracking Back tools

Rob Spencer

A set of tools for Y- and mitochondrial DNA analysis, including SNP Tracker, SNP Tree Explorer, Britain and Ireland SNP and Surname Mapper, Y Clustering, FTDNA Admin Utilities.

Visual phasing spreadsheet

Visual phasing spreadsheet

Steven Fox

An Excel spreadsheet for Windows that can extract sibling data from Gedmatch and provide a structured interface for your visual phasing project.

Wesley Erickson's tools

Wesley Erickson's tools

Wesley Erickson

An assortment of desktop applications, including ADNA, which allows the user to compare multiple matches at 23andMe or Family Tree DNA in a single chromosome browser.

WGS Extract

WGS Extract

A desktop tool for verifying, analyzing and manipulating your Consumer 30x WGS test results. Includes tools that can extract a file for upload to genetic genealogy sites.

WikiTree DNA comparison

WikiTree DNA comparison

The WikiTree Team

WikiTree is an online collaborative family tree, and includes the ability to link DNA kits to people in that tree, encouraging comparison and collaboration.



The YFull Team

YFull is an online database where for a fee you can upload your raw Y-DNA and/or mitochondrial DNA next-generation sequencing (NGS) data.


YFull Helper

Society of Serbian Genealogists

YFull Helper is a browser extension designed for genetic genealogists, providing enhanced functionality when browsing and analyzing the phylogenetic tree of humankind on the platform

Your DNA Family

Your DNA Family

Andreas West

This app imports match lists and raw data from 23andMe (more sources to come) and compiles triangulation groups, helping you to analyze your matches and solve family mysteries.

YSEQ Clade Finder

YSEQ Clade Finder

Hunter Provyn

A web-based tool featuring light-weight algorithm that takes positive and negative SNPs and returns likely subclade from the YFull YTree.