Purchase a DNA Painter gift subscription

Gift subscriptions

Love DNA Painter?

You can now purchase a gift subscription for a friend or family member so they can experience everything the site has to offer.

You will receive a customised printable graphic annotated with their email address, along with an activation link they can click to set up their account.

Purchase a gift subscription

Gift subscription
One-page illustration of your pedigree

Gift Subscription FAQ

Will the subscription renew?
No: your $55 payment is a one-off cost for a 12-month subscription
What happens after the subscription expires?
Once the subscription expires, your gift recipient will retain all trees and chromosome maps. If they would like to continue to use bulk import functionality or create additional trees or maps, they can renew the subscription.
What information is needed to purchase a gift subscription?
You will be asked for the name and email address of the recipient, along with the date on which you'd like the subscription to start
Can I pay via Credit Card?
Yes, you can pay with a credit card via PayPal without having a PayPal account. If you would prefer to pay directly via credit card, please send an email to info@dnapainter.com.
How long does the process take?
You will receive an email with custom gift subscription graphic and activation link within 24 hours of your order.

“DNA Painter has quickly become an essential tool for genealogists!”
— Blaine Bettinger, The Genetic Genealogist and founder of DNA Central

“I love this tool, and you will too”
— Roberta Estes, dna-explained.com

“DNA Painter offers wonderful additions to the genealogist’s arsenal of resources”
— Paul Woodbury, professional genealogist and lecturer