Guest posts Inferred Chromosome Mapping Tools

Mapping an untested grandparent’s DNA

Inferred chromosome mapping is a fun, puzzle-like technique that I discussed in this post from 2017. This often involves using a sibling or parent test to infer additional information from DNA matches. In 2020 I launched the inferred segments generator to make this process easier. In the following guest post, Josh Hutchings demonstrates how he

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Chromosome Mapping Guest posts Inferred Chromosome Mapping Tips

Reconstructing Grammy’s DNA

For my latest guest post, I’m pleased to welcome Tanner Tolman, a professional genealogist based in Utah. Tanner has successfully achieved something that’s a holy grail for many genealogists: reconstructing someone’s DNA based on the DNA of their descendants. Tanner has written a detailed account of the steps he had to go through in the process of DNA reconstruction for his wife’s grandmother.

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Chromosome Mapping Inferred Chromosome Mapping Tools

A new feature in the inferred segments generator

Launched in late 2020, the inferred segments generator helps users calculate the segments they can infer from the DNA their close relatives share with others. This can be a confusing concept. I recently added a small additional feature to the tool that can help you infer segments from a grandparent.

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Chromosome Mapping Inferred Chromosome Mapping

Interpreting inferred segments: a full aunt

An interesting DNA match to my mother-in-law Lynn* and her maternal aunt (Ann) appeared this week. In this article I’ll review how I interpreted their match with Tom alongside methods for interpreting inferred segments when working with a full aunt: What can I infer about Lynn’s DNA from the segments her aunt Ann shares with

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Chromosome Mapping Inferred Chromosome Mapping Tips Tools

More tips for inferred chromosome mapping

In this follow-up article I discuss inferred chromosome mapping in more detail, also introducing a new tool I’ve created to make the process easier.

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Chromosome Mapping Concepts Inferred Chromosome Mapping Tips

Painting your DNA with inferred matches

This article first appeared on the Medium website but has been moved to this blog… There’s also now an Inferred Segments Generator tool Chromosome mapping is the process of using the data from matches to assign segments of your chromosomes to specific ancestors — from grandparents to more distant forebears. DNA Painter is a simple

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