This year’s RootsTech conference is in March. DNA Painter will be exhibiting for the sixth time (and the fifth time in person). You can read about previous visits in my blog post from last year.
In-person in Salt Lake City, Utah
The event is held at the Salt Palace Convention Center. To attend in person, tickets are $129 (currently on sale at $99). This gets you access to all in-person classes and events. You do not need a pass to enter the Expo Hall, which is free.
Since 2021, RootsTech has had a considerable virtual offering, which is also free. This includes live and recorded talks and a virtual Expo Hall. DNA Painter will have a virtual booth and chat function.
Both in-person and virtual attendees can participate in Relatives at RootsTech. All my connections so far are via deeply suspect links in the FamilySearch tree, but hopefully that will change!
Our booth
It’s always fun to meet DNA Painter users in person. This year you might meet me or James. We look forward to chatting to you about DNA Painter and genetic genealogy and there will also be another ‘show special’ price on subscriptions. I’ll also be bringing some items of European confectionary…

We will be in the Expo Hall at the Salt Palace from:
- 9:00 AM–6:30 PM on Thursday March 6th
- 9:00 AM–6:00 PM on Friday March 7th
- 9:00 AM–3:00 PM on Saturday March 8th
Our booth number is 1419, and you can click the map below to explore our surroundings.

If you’re coming to RootsTech and would like to volunteer to stay and chat to people for a while, please contact me!
In order to focus on the booth, I’m not doing any formal lectures this year. I will have a screen where I’ll do some short talks, as well as showing some of my previous talks from
I hope to meet you either in Salt Lake City or online.
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