
Shared cM Project Tool now available in additional languages

At the top right of the Shared cM Project Tool you’ll now see a dropdown menu allowing you to switch to another language. If you’d like to help translate the tool into a different language, please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

Languages currently available are set out in the table below. I am enormously grateful to those who have provided translation help. Thank you!

LanguageTranslation help
SpanishDaniel Smith-Ramos, Julio Carrera
PortugueseGonçalo Marques
CzechMartin Pauer
SlovakMartin Pauer
HebrewJanna Helshtein, DNA at Eye Level
NorwegianRolf B. Holte, Hekta på slekta

I also need to acknowledge the help of chatGPT for half a dozen or so final Spanish translations that I had somehow forgotten about until today.

The logic for showing a specific language version currently works as follows:

  • When you select a language, the tool will set a cookie in your browser for that language
  • If you then visit the page, and the tool finds this cookie, it will switch to that language
  • Or if your browser’s language is set to a language for which there are translations, it will use that language
  • Otherwise, it will use English

The beta and two amounts versions are also updated.

I hope this works well for you, but if you have any trouble, please get in touch.

Contact info: /