My genealogy

Finding Nicholas Crispe

A blog post explaining how I discovered my connection to Nicholas Crispe (c.1599-1665)

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Havant My genealogy

Which John Couzens?

I was working on final preparations for my webinar last week when I got a shock. According to my research, I have a set of fourth-great-grandparents on my father’s grandmother’s side called John Couzens and Sarah Cutler, who married in Portsea, Hampshire, England, on October 27, 1794. But I found that there were two near-contemporaneous men called John Couzens

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Chromosome Mapping Did you know? Tips Trees WATO

You can import GEDCOM and segment data: did you know? #6

In this post I will explain how you can import GEDCOM and segment data into the site. As a reminder, DNA Painter does not use raw DNA data.

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Chromosome Mapping New Features

New: Showcase your roots with Y & mtDNA in your chromosome map

There’s a new feature within DNA Painter that lets you add Y and mtDNA information to your chromosome map. This post explains how to do it.

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Book reviews

The Complete Guide to FamilyTreeDNA by Roberta Estes

New books in the genetic genealogy field do not come along that often. As well as autosomal, I’ve taken both Y- and mitochondrial (mt) DNA tests, but I feel less confident when working with them. This book (full title The Complete Guide to FamilyTreeDNA: Y-DNA, Mitochondrial, Autosomal and X-DNA) is therefore very welcome.

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Opinion Tips

Ancestry Pro Tools matches of matches: my experience so far

In case you didn’t hear, you can now see how much DNA your matches share with each other within Ancestry Pro Tools. I’ve been very patient, and this feature finally arrived for me late on the evening of June 24th, 2024.

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From What are the Odds to WATO plus in one click

An overview of the steps involved in migrating a tree from the What are the Odds tool to WATO plus. You can now do this in one click.

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Tools WATO

Introducing WATO plus, a new tool for investigating family mysteries

What are the odds plus (WATO+), a new and overhauled version of the popular WATO tool, was released last week. In this article I’ll focus on what’s new in WATO+…

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Tools WATO

Three ways to generate hypotheses in WATO+

I recently launched WATO+, the new version of What are the Odds? Suggest Hypotheses is a popular feature in the tool. The goal of this function is to try out every possible position in the tree for the unknown parent. However, this can be a mixed blessing as sometimes there are an overwhelming number of

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New Features Tools WATO

What are the Odds v3 sneak peek

Exciting times: the new version of What are the Odds? (WATO) will be released within the next month. This includes a raft of updates that I hope will make the tool more useful and easier to understand.

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