New Features Tools WATO

Recent updates: most distant common ancestors and more

I get a lot of correspondence and feedback from users of DNA Painter, which I’m very grateful for. In many cases this feedback helps me to make important improvements. I’m announcing two recent updates here, including the addition of most distant common ancestors to the shared cM tool. Shared cM Tool One key question in

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Chromosome Mapping Every step Tips

Painting a match: every step

I have worked with computers almost every day since I started working in 1995. I’m aware that this isn’t the case for everyone, and that I inevitably have a tendency to gloss over certain technical details when explaining DNA Painter to people. This article is an attempt to correct this, with a guide to every step involved in mapping a match onto your chromosome map.

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Every step Tips

Register at DNA Painter: every step

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to register at DNA Painter by creating a free user account. Step 1: Navigate to the form Go to and click ‘Register’ in the top right corner in order to reach the registration page. Step 2: Fill out the form to register at DNA Painter Enter your

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