Did you know? Tips Trees

Keeping track of genetic ancestors: did you know? #2

Within your ancestral tree at DNA Painter, ‘Show genetic ancestors’ will highlight those ancestors you’ve marked in this way. In this short article, I’ll discuss what ‘genetic ancestors’ are and explain how you can track them in your tree.

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Chromosome Mapping Did you know? Tips

Changing segment layer order: did you know? #1

You can change the segment layer order within any DNA Painter chromosome map by dragging and dropping the groups in the key. This article, the first in a new series, explains how this works.

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Lectures and Appearances

DNA Painter at Rootstech 2023

It feels very strange to be writing this preview of RootsTech 2023 because it doesn’t seem real or possible that 3 years can have passed since I last attended in person. Time has truly warped… In February 2020 I arrived in Salt Lake City full of optimism, but I think I was running on empty.

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New Features Tools

Enhancements to the DNA coverage tool

Last night I released an update with several enhancements to the DNA Coverage tool that I’ll list in this short post.

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New Features Tools

How to use the new DNA Coverage tool

The coverage estimator is a new tool at DNA Painter that lets you build a tree or import a GEDCOM and then mark the people in that tree who have tested. It then estimates the DNA coverage for the root person based on the testers. In this post I explain how to use it.

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Chromosome Mapping Opinion

My painted populations: comparing 23andMe, AncestryDNA and FamilyTreeDNA

Following the release of the AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter, I thought it would be interesting to compare the offering of each company that now offers segment data for their ancestral composition (aka “ethnicity”) estimates. My family’s estimates are probably more interesting than they will be for those who have fewer different ancestries in their background. You

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Chromosome Mapping New Features Tools

New: AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter Segments

Earlier in July 2022, AncestryDNA launched a new feature: Chromosome Painter. In this post I’ll introduce a new tool that allows you to extract segment data that you can use to paint population information in your DNA Painter chromosome map.

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Chromosome Mapping Tips

Painting your populations

As well as mapping DNA segments to ancestors, you can also map your population segments at DNA Painter. In this post, I explain how to do this and how it can help you investigate and confirm other matches.

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Interviews New Features Tools

Introducing the Library of Matches

The Library of Matches is a new tool by Cody Ely with example shared segments for different known matches. This visualization of segments could help you distinguish between different relationship possibilities.

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New Features WATO

Focus mode in What are the Odds? (WATO)

I recently added focus mode, a new feature in WATO that I hope will help you.

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