Chromosome Mapping Did you know? Tips

Changing segment layer order: did you know? #1

You can change the segment layer order within any DNA Painter chromosome map by dragging and dropping the groups in the key. This article, the first in a new series, explains how this works.

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Chromosome Mapping Opinion

My painted populations: comparing 23andMe, AncestryDNA and FamilyTreeDNA

Following the release of the AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter, I thought it would be interesting to compare the offering of each company that now offers segment data for their ancestral composition (aka “ethnicity”) estimates. My family’s estimates are probably more interesting than they will be for those who have fewer different ancestries in their background. You

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Chromosome Mapping New Features Tools

New: AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter Segments

Earlier in July 2022, AncestryDNA launched a new feature: Chromosome Painter. In this post I’ll introduce a new tool that allows you to extract segment data that you can use to paint population information in your DNA Painter chromosome map.

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Chromosome Mapping Tips

Painting your populations

As well as mapping DNA segments to ancestors, you can also map your population segments at DNA Painter. In this post, I explain how to do this and how it can help you investigate and confirm other matches.

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Chromosome Mapping New Features Tools

It’s Bucketing at DNA Painter…

Bucketing is a new DNA Painter tool that can help you subdivide your segments based on match or segment lists of other relatives.

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Chromosome Mapping

New: upload match segments from Geneanet in bulk

Geneanet recently launched some enhancements to their DNA tools. Here I explain how you can bulk import Geneanet segment data into DNA Painter.

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Chromosome Mapping Guest posts

Using segment data to identify unknown DNA

For my second guest post, I’m pleased to welcome Rachel King, a professional genealogist based in London, England. Here, Rachel shares some examples demonstrating how she uses segment data in her work.

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Chromosome Mapping New Features Trees WATO

New features for maps, trees and WATO at DNA Painter

Here’s a summary of new features at DNA Painter that I’ve released in the last couple of weeks.

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Chromosome Mapping Guest posts

Chromosome mapping and endogamy

For this first guest post, I’m pleased to welcome Lara Diamond, whose popular blog Lara’s Jewnealogy has been running since 2013. Endogamy has a very visible effect on chromosome mapping, as Lara explains very clearly

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Chromosome Mapping Tips

Copying from one chromosome map to another

As part of your ongoing DNA work, you might sometimes like to merge chromosome maps together or use data from one map in another. In this post I recap on the different ways you can duplicate and copy data between chromosome maps.

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